Monday, June 8, 2009

Frustration and possible resolution

Dr. Michel Cohen wrote a book about parenting and medical stuffies for kiddos and I really like it. His philosophy is real mellow-go with the flow-don't worry so much-type parenting. ANywho- he writes that by 4 months old if your baby is not sleeping through the night on their own (10-12 hrs. straight) that it is going to be a bit difficult and that you will have to go through a few nights of screaming because you will have to commit to not soothing your child in the middle of the night. I am all for this- as hard as it will be if it comes to it. I don't want Max to expect me to wake up at 2 am for any longer than he already has.
With swaddling however- this strategy becomes more complicated, because if he wakes up I wonder if it's due to his swaddle and then feel like he needs it redone to get back to sleep. For the last week and a half or so Little Guy has been sleeping closer to 7 or 8 hrs instead of his aforementioned 9 or 10. This was started (I believe) by his swaddle coming undone or loose and him waking up. Two nights ago he woke up at 2:30 am (after going to sleep around 9) because his swaddle was loose again and then last night he woke up around 2:30 again with a swaddle that in my opinion was not loose enough to warrant waking up. I believe that he is starting to expect me to nurse him at 2:30 in the morning again and I don't want to go down that road.

Today I started Mission:Unswaddle

1. Max nurses until sleepy- gets put down unswaddled.
2. After listening to 15 minutes of tired crying and determining that he wasn't tired enough I go and pick him and up bring him out of his room and into the bright living room
3. I hold him upright and am comforting but not doing my normal sleep-soothing remedies.
4. I nurse him again until he starts to drift and the put him down unswaddled.
5. He cries more energetically for about 10 minutes
6. I get him up and out of his room again and nurse him in the living room- he is very sleepy and a bit cranky
7. When he starts to fall asleep I put him down unswaddled again - he makes a few noises but is soon asleep!

He slept for a little over 30 minutes, which is totally standard for his swaddled napping. When he woke up we -played and ate and changed his diaper etc. Around 2 pm he got fussy again and I nursed him and put him down and there was NO CRYING! Yippee!!! He's been asleep this time for about 30 minutes so far again! Swaddling is officially history! Because once it's gone you can't bring it back even once because that sets up the dreaded "Partial Reinforcement" cycle- and I refuse to let that happen.

I'll let you know how the nighttime goes......


  1. congrats on the non-swaddle sleeping. as i was reading this i was thinking, okay, stop swaddling him. we are sharing brain waves apparently!


  2. I was concerned that he wouldn't react well to being unswaddled- but *so far* it's going really well- I think he was ready- but I'm so glad I had it while I did.

  3. here's a swaddle alternative if the transition doesn't go smoothly! (love your creations by the way!! )

  4. So exciting! Little Max-o is showing you that he's growing up!
