So- yesterday was a big day! In the morning after feeding Max on my side in bed so I could still doze we discovered that his diaper had leaked and he needed to be changed- so we took that opportunity to give him his first real bath- he'd only had sponge baths so far. He seemed to really enjoy it- it was fun for the whole family! It helped that we had this cool washcloth duck thing designed to keep his tummy warm throughout.
Then Jack and I decided that we wanted to make a trip to Home Depot. We hadn't taken Max out in public anywhere aside from Doctor's offices so far- because we're still in flu season- but we thought that if we could do the trip in my ring sling and make it short that it would be okay- he just sleeps in the sling primarily and people don't try to touch him or breathe on him- because they can't see him and he's strapped to my body. It went so well that we also went to the grocery store. Mostly I just garnered some smiles from ladies- but one employee at HEB wanted to know if he could breathe in there- (no, he can't breathe- I'm walking around smothering my baby right in front of you).
People are goofy. I love my ring sling.
my dear, i continue to enjoy the pictures and documentation! i bought a little cordouroy jacket for max today at the thrift store....should be just his size next fall. it's so cute-it has little plaid elbow patches...very old skool professor-esque. also bought a suede and shearling vest for viking adventures when he is a bit bigger! yay!
ReplyDeleteThanks- it's nice to know someone's reading- and I'm really enjoying writing it all down- can't wait to see those adorable things you've bought!