These are a few of the things that I have learned from my experience:
1. Get a "My Brest Friend" nursing pillow. I got one as a gift from my sister and her husband and it has been totally invaluable. Nursing is kind of an udgy process- meaning that there are always small adjustments to be made along the way. This fantastic pillow holds his weight so that my hands are free to angle his head or shoulders properly, prop up my boob better, and maybe, just maybe do something UNRELATED to feeding him! Wow. Plus- once you get your stride a little you can hold the pillow and then walk around while nursing!
2. This awesome pillow also has a handy pocket- you should keep lip balm, Lansinoh for your girls, a hair toy, baby nail clippers and maybe your cell phone in there.
3. Bring a book! If you get free hands and can keep your eyes open you will get bored. (clip on book lights come in very handy at night)
4. Try as hard as you can once you get the latch on figured out to look away! Your neck will get really sore from constantly leaning your head down- it is very hard to rip your eyes away from your gorgeous little child- but it will do your neck a world of good.
5. Make someone give you neckrubs- you will inevitably get a sore neck because you have to look down a certain amount.
6. In the hospital if they only show you cross cradle- make them show you the football hold- at first I could not get cross cradle right to save my life and football hold was much easier for both of us- get your companion to help prop up the kiddo with pillows.
7. Above all- keep at it and don't get discouraged- it may take a while and be hard and painful and frustrating- but you will both figure it out if you keep trying.
8. Get the soft cup nursing bras from Target online- they're the only ones I've found so far that are soft enough to be comfy but still supportive, plus they're only $12.99. While you're at it- make sure to get some nursing tanks from there as well- these are great for nightime too.
9. Oh, and always have a cup of water handy- your throat gets so dry doing this you wouldn't believe. I kept my hospital cup and you should too because the lid/straw/handle construction really is convenient- plus since it's covered your water won't go stale between feedings. :)
10. Another product I like are Soothies- these are great when you're starting out and they will give you some in the hospital if you ask. You can also buy them at HEB or wherever. They are cooling gel patches that you can wear under your bra or top between feedings or really just for a minute or so afterwards. They feel great-especially if you refrigerate them- yay!
keep up the good work!
Thanks! He makes it pretty rewarding :)