I'd been seeing this charming nursery off the highway close to our home for a while now and had been meaning to go. We finally got around to it and were totally delighted! Firstly it is HUGE!!!! This picture is maybe a fourth of the whole space? All the plants were happy and healthy and the selection was great. What a pretty place to even just go and take a walk with your family- plus you can give a good home to some gorgeous little planties too if you like.


I had fun putting Max up on the big tables to check out the fleurs- he was pretty gentle actually- so that was nice.
There was this gorgeous hanging wandering jew- this has got to be one of my all time favorite plants- there are so many lovely varieties.
Max had grand fun when we got to the shrub area- he kept grabbing the pots and trying to run off with them. This first one that he's holding is a type of Nandina, (I don't know how to pronounce that i) but I'm glad to know the name because I want some of these for our front yard. They are evergreen, fine in sun or shade and they have every color of fall foliage in one bush all at the same time! They are just amazing.
He was also pretty jazzed about this hose on the ground.
Still in productive-sunshiney-day-happy-plant-mode I saw this lovely tree on our way home and had Jack stop so I could get a quick picture. I've heard many names for trees like this one and I just adore them. SO pretty!
We got home with our new little plant friends and set to work getting them into some larger containers - Max was very excited about playing with our collected rainwater.
We got a purple variety of sage, some sweet basil (yum!), catnip and a sweet 100 tomato plant. Very excited about all of these. There were so many different kinds of herbs there. I'm particularly interested in the lemon basil and the CINNAMON basil!!! Both smelled divine. They have some really nice mint variations as well. I have never had an herb garden and have always wanted one. I'm really hoping that it does well. Advice welcome!
These pictures of Max are irresistible! He is handsome and huggable! I believe monarchs are attracted to dill. The blog looks great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I was very pleased with the photos we took there. :) Apparently fennel attracts butterflies as well- I would love to have some regular visitors. Thanks about the blog too- I just changed the text colors earlier today.