Max is now SIX MONTHS OLD!!!!! This is very exciting and I am so glad that we are moving soon so that I will have big safe floors for him to explore and parks to take him to and a cousin and auntie nearby to play with! He weighs 20 pounds even (90th percentile) is 27.5" long (85th%) and his head measures 44.6 cm (75th%). So he's still real big and evenly so. It is getting harder to get these monthly shots because he likes to roll so much now- he is REALLY trying to crawl but it's a lot of coordination to put all together at once- so it's going to be a little while. Max as a 6 month old is happy and smiley, he likes to go to bed by 7 at the latest and he goes down pretty easily for naps and for nighttime. He enjoys his nightly bath and seems to like Jack reading to him as well- at least he quiets down for it generally.
As a 6 month old his personality is really beginning to show. He kindly puts up with his Mama's fashion whims,
Enjoys playing with a spare computer keyboard, (I'm going to cut off the cord, but he was attended the whole time- he likes to bang on the keys too)
He gleefully wrestles with bears,
Is getting more and more insistent when it comes to mealtime, (there is a big difference when your baby is yelling at you from when he is just expressing discomfort or frustration, you can really see the blame in his eyes).

He is apparently quite skilled at stoically avoiding feminine advances, (even from Ava Outlaw, our realtor's adorable daughter!)

So, even though he's getting so big everyday and I can really see him turning into a little boy soon (too soon) he is also still my sweet little baby, he actually curls up with a little teddy bear when he's real tired.
(I didn't intend to take a flash picture while he was sleeping, but he wasn't bothered in the least little bit)
(I didn't intend to take a flash picture while he was sleeping, but he wasn't bothered in the least little bit)
And he still likes to snuggle up with me in wraps or in my arms- he's just starting to really hug and sort of kiss I think and it's like nothing else. Affection from an adorable baby boy of mine and my husband's making that I am lucky enough to spend every day with. Life is good.
And finally, he still pees all over us and himself sometimes (his face!) because even though my well-intentioned mother gave us "pee-pee tee-pees" he rolls around and curls up on the changing table so much that they just fall off and have never been peed on once. They have however become a favorite chewing item......
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