I put Max in my moby wrap whenever we go to the store because it nearly guarantees baby happiness for a long stretch of time. He fell asleep though and it was so sweet- this hold is not proper for a sleeping baby so I had to hold his head once it started to dip but I didn't mind one bit. :)
Here he is asleep in Jack's baby backpack- another good trick for happy baby. He fell asleep on Jack and they looked so cute. I know my son looks like me mostly (at least for now) but here he really looks like Jack to me- I think he may have gotten Jack's lips, mine don't really do that downward turned thing at all.
Okay- that's all the old photos. Jack and I went to Central Market with Max for the first time over the weekend and we had a good time. Max was very well-behaved while we ate lunch and then he got to look at everything while we shopped and had samples. Our mission was to get some organic produce to make some "real" food for Max. I wanted avocado and butternut squash to be the first things we tried with him. But of course, you have to stop and smell the roses.....
They were on some crazy sale- like six bucks for a dozen I think- too bad we didn't have any extra money and they wouldn't have lasted in the car anyway. But looking at them in the store was almost as good as taking some home.
I'd never seen these before- they're called oca potatoes and they looked almost like ginger flower buds- you don't need to peel them- they were very shiny. We also showed Max the meat market- he seems to be interested in this guys cutting filets.

Success!!!! I was very pleased that they had both items I wanted in organic varieties. I was afraid it was the wrong season for the squash so I was excited. I had considered ordering off of Greenling for my organic baby food stuff (and I probably will sometime) but was very pleased to be able to do it in person because I was able to get the cutest little butternut squash! Just right for baby :)
The guy next to me in this picture actually mumbled "That's a good picture." to me as he walked past- Ha! It's kind of fun to get random unsolicited approval from strangers.
So, the next picture didn't load properly- but you get the jist. I am gleefully pureeing organic avocado with the food processor Jack got for me while Jack gets Max into his high chair and all bibbed up and ready. This is the first food that doesn't taste like breastmilk that Max will be eating- very exciting for us new parent types.

End result: a very messy baby :) What he really seemed to enjoy most was cramming his fingers into his mouth once he got a spoonful of avocado in there- also, smearing it onto the bib and then avidly chewing on it. He managed to consume a fair amount though and wasn't miserable or anything. I think he may have gotten avocado up his nose and then when he was done and I was going to comfort him he had a hidden store of avocado mush in his cheek. Jack, with his lack of long fingernails helped fish it out much to Max's displeasure.

End result: a very messy baby :) What he really seemed to enjoy most was cramming his fingers into his mouth once he got a spoonful of avocado in there- also, smearing it onto the bib and then avidly chewing on it. He managed to consume a fair amount though and wasn't miserable or anything. I think he may have gotten avocado up his nose and then when he was done and I was going to comfort him he had a hidden store of avocado mush in his cheek. Jack, with his lack of long fingernails helped fish it out much to Max's displeasure.
The next day though I tried him on the remainder of the avocado and he ate it ALL!!! There was a good amount in there- especially for how little experience he has with solid food. He really seemed to enjoy it and ate it quickly. By the way- good trick for keeping avocado green in a little jar: pour some olive oil on it to cover the surface and refrigerate- then just mix it all up when you want to eat it. A little olive oil is good in just about anything! I was pleased with how well it worked- I know I don't like to eat brown avocado.
I have tried him once on the butternut squash and so far he does not seem to like it. He not only made faces (pretty normal) but fussed and squirmed a whole bunch. So, we'll try again and see if it was the squash or something else. I tasted it already and it's pretty yummy- it was fun to make as well- I may have to give it to Dicey.
way to go with the 'real' food! i'll have to try that olive oil trick sometime...like with guac or something. i used olive oil straight from the bottle the other day in place of lotion on my arms and legs--it worked well and didn't leave me super greasy like i thought it might...try it sometime!
ReplyDeletemaybe squash is sort of an aquired taste? i don't really remember, but it seems like maybe squash didn't really do anything for me 'til i was a bit older...like 8, 9, or 10ish. maybe if you mixed squash puree with something else he would like it more.
I tried him on it a second time and he really went for it! I was/am the same on squash but I figured butternut is so sweet it's good to start out with. I think he was just not in the mood for anything new that day and he doesn't like cold food- I still feed it to him, but he makes faces for a while everytime. :) the trick would work great for guac- I love olive oil.
ReplyDeleteOlive oil is really good for cleaning stainless steel.