It was fun- Mum played with Max-o on her bed for a bit and he managed to intimidate Charlotte (the cat that ate Tokyo). BSD arrive and we all chat and get settled with babies while Mum finishes brunch-which is breakfast soft taco heaven! Every fixin' you could possibly imagine in great quantities- yum
Selah made this cool medieval Simnell cake with giant yummy home-made marzipan balls on top- it's kind of a cross between carrot and fruit cake- very moist and sweet.

Mum gave us our gifts which are binders of her stream-of-consciousness-style writing documenting all of "Grandmother's Stories" which range from sweet little recountings of raising bunnies in a sunken banana pit in the courtyard of their home in Tripoli, to horrific stories of our college-age mom foolishly going in some dude's house for "milk and cookies" only to discover that he has his dead wife's body laid out all shrine-like in there! There are blue stories and really awful stories of bad things that happened to her as a child- I'm thinking these "Grandmother's stories" will have to be meeted out very carefully to the kiddos as they are ready. Awesome, priceless gift though.
As soon as Jack and I get home I get a call from Selah who sounds a bit frazzled and at her wit's end 'cause Dicey is real tired but not going down to sleep. I can't let my sister feel this low on Mother's Day so Jack and I load up again and head to her place- making a stop on the way for a little plant to cheer Selah up. When we get there both ladies are asleep- but Selah wakes up with a headache and Jack gives her a really good back massage- complete with Swedish accent- he cracks us both up and Selah feels much better.
My present from Jack is a wee bit late but that hardly matters as it's an embarrassingly generous gift certificate to Avant spa!!!! It's enough for me to have TWO trips and get more than one service per visit! Sooooo excited!
Jack and I also have a big gift certificate at McCormac & Schmick's because he has done some late night on-call duties there for their A/C and they love him- as soon as Max is taking bottles dependably again we'll go for dinner while BSD babysit- yay!
Max is getting more and more fun everyday. Last night he sucked on the outside of my hand for 2 or 3 minutes-it was so funny and tickled a little and I just laughed and laughed. I think he's sucking on his bottom lip now too which is kind of funny- like his occasional tongue clicks. He's growing out of his clothes -I'm busting out all the stuff I had put away as too-big. It's very exciting.
It feels a little like everything's coming up Milhouse because Jack and I just recently paid off ALL our credit card debt AND the last of our car loan! I feel like we are right on the verge of getting a house which will be the realization of my most fervent wish (aside from motherhood) for the last SEVEN plus years!!! Everyone keep their fingers crossed for us and if anyone has any tips or advice- please pass them along- we don't know what we're doing. :)
cute video. It's spelled "meted" not "meeted" Those are nice pics of the parents and Max. The one of you and mom is really pretty and sweet.