The prices seemed pretty comparable to say, Whole Foods or the organic stuff at HEB and we were cutting down on time and it's very convenient especially with a small baby in the house so I was optimistic.
This evening right around dinner time our bin arrived and they even follow instructions like "please knock once and leave the bin so you won't wake our baby"!
Well, I got the nice green bin full of goodies- and Max and I had lots of fun unpacking it.
Among the cold things (which are packed nicely in an insulated bag along with some frozen water bottles that you're supposed to return) was the goose egg that we ordered so that Jack could eat it and I could have the shell to decorate- it was packed in a little styrofoam cup with a drawing of a goose on it! How fun! Max was quite interested.
Here's all my pretty produce- the brown thing is a "sunchoke" or Jerusalem artichoke- it and the green beans were what we got for choosing the "surprise me" option as one of our purchases.
They did substitute blackberries for the raspberries I picked out- but they're so gorgeous- who would mind?
They also sent me a free yummy bevvy to try!
All in all it was a pretty successful venture- and we may be semi-converts- we'll see- it's definitely fancy to have your groceries delivered, and I like fancy.
The same day, Jack was gone from the house for about 13 hours yesterday because one of his co-workers fell off of a roof breaking one arm and the other wrist and getting concussed! Jack had to help out with packing up their tools and moving cars around and stuff afterwards because the HVAC company he works for simply doesn't have enough man-power and now they're down one at the beginning of summer.....looks like lots of overtime for Jack.
So, since he was coming home so late he picked up dinner from Central Market since it was on the way and they have the healthiest (in terms of naturalness- not calories or fat as will be evident soon enough) ready-to-go "fast food". Well, he did great! He brought home chicken pot-pies with twice baked potatoes and an awesome greek salad. Then he also got bread pudding for him and creme brulee for me for dessert!

It was all delicious.
And...sweet husband that he is- he brought me flowers since he was gone so much longer than he had told me he would be. I'd never gotten ginger or birds of paradise before! Fancy :)
Max had a rough night though- we finally got him to sleep around 10:30 or so but I think he wanted to go down closer to 8:30 but the stars weren't aligned for that to work out- I think he needed to vent from the day and we kept trying to soothe or amuse him in different ways which I think just made it worse. I looked around online and it seems that 3 month olds do need to let off some steam before they can relax enough to sleep. Apparently bedtime routines like massages or baths or singing or all three can help- so we'll see how that goes.