Two nights in a row he has gone down right at 10:00 pm- then slept for approx. SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS!!!! Yee-haw- that is awesome! Then...... (that's right, it gets better) he goes down again and sleeps for about THREE MORE HOURS!!!
I am in day two of tracking naps and playtime and feedings so that I can better predict what he might want or see if a pattern forms- yippee! It's very exciting for me.
My baby is happier than he has been in awhile (pictures to prove it!) and I credit it all to swaddling, blacking out the windows in his room and keeping track of what he did the day before. I have such a hard time remembering little things from day to day that writing it down is the only way I could have possibly predicted his 11ish nap today. But I looked at yesterday and saw it and went ahead and swaddled him around 10:30 and now he's been asleep (or at least quiet in his crib in a dark room) for almost two hours! Yesterday it was only 30 minute naps and several attempts- we'll see if it's longer naps and fewer attempts today- that's my hope. :)
I've been putting lots of different clothes on him because they're so cute- and I worry that he will grow out of a bunch of his outfits before he even wears them. I have these teeny little "real" denim overalls that I put on him day before yesterday but the metal fasteners close to his face seemed impractical for napping so I took them off again. But they were super cute while they lasted......
I also have a teeny little polo shirt! He liked that better but he got upset later that day (pre-tracking mind you) and I had to take it off- he gets really hot and sweaty when he's screaming.
I want to put up his 8 week portrait but my computer is being ornery with photo uploads- that's right- you should be grateful for any that I managed to get up here- because it's been pretty annoying.
Anywho- I feel better equipped and better rested and so I feel like a better mommy. Now that I feel pretty confident about keeping him reasonably happy all day- his 7:30 pm meltdown doesn't seem quite so bad. Last night I just made sure he was good, swaddled him and put him down in a dark room to decompress for a few minutes from his stimulating day- and then Jack went in and got to spend some sweet quiet baby and Daddy time. It was great- best meltdown ever. :)